
django-emailtools takes an approach to sending emails similar to the class-based view’s approach to view callables. At Fusionbox we’ve found that our email sending often follows a predictable pattern and class-based emails arose from that pattern.

Ultimately, the goal of class-based emails is to


  1. Install the package:

    $ pip install django-emailtools

    Or you can install it from source:

    $ pip install -e git://
  2. Add emailtools to your INSTALLED_APPS.

Quick Start

Write your email class and instantiate your email callable.

# app/
from emailtools import BasicEmail

class WelcomeEmail(BasicEmail):
     from_email = ''
     subject = 'Welcome to'
     template_name = 'welcome_email.html'

     def get_to(self):
         return [self.args[0]]

     def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
         kwargs = super(WelcomeEmail, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
         kwargs['email_address'] = self.args[0]
         return kwargs

send_welcome_email = WelcomeEmail.as_callable()

Write you email template.

# app/templates/welcome_email.html

         <h1>Welcome to</h2>
         <p>Here is some content about how happy we are to have you at  You can now login using '{{ email_address }}' as your

And to send the email.

>>> from app.emails import send_welcome_email
>>> send_welcome_email('')  # Sends the email

Or if you wanted to do something with the message before you sent it:

>>> from myapp.emails import WelcomeEmail
>>> email_instance = WelcomeEmail
>>> message = email_instance.get_email_message()
>>> message
<django.core.mail.message.EmailMultiAlternatives at 0x10668d150>
>>> message.send()  # Sends the email.