Class-based emails ------------------ ``django-emailtools`` takes an approach to sending emails similar to the class-based view's approach to view callables. At Fusionbox we've found that our email sending often follows a predictable pattern and class-based emails arose from that pattern. Ultimately, the goal of class-based emails is to assist developers in following the DRY principle and reuse code through inheritance and mixin classes. Basic Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A very basic example of sending emails in django using the built in ``send_mail`` function might look something like the following. .. code-block:: python from django.core.mail import send_mail def send_registration_email(): send_mail( 'A new user has registered on', 'A user has registered', '', [''], ) Now, here is the same example using class based emails. .. code-block:: python from emailtools.cbe import BasicEmail class RegisteredEmail(BasicEmail): to = '' from_email = '' subject = 'A user has registered' body = 'A new user has registered on' send_registration_email = UserRegisteredEmail.as_callable() In both examples, calling the ``send_registration_email`` function will send an email to `` from the address `` with the subject *"A user has registered"* and with the message body *"A new user has registered on"*. Admittedly, this example is not very useful, so lets look at making some of these values more dynamic. Emails with dynamic values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, lets write another example, in which our message body and the email recipient list and message body are dynamic. .. code-block:: python # accounts/ from emailtools.cbe import BasicEmail class WelcomeEmail(BasicEmail): from_email = '' subject = 'Welcome to' def get_to(self): return [self.args[0].email] def get_body(self): return """Dear {user.username}, Welcome to, - The Team""".format(user=self.args[0]) send_welcome_email = WelcomeEmail.as_callable() Our new ``send_welcome_email`` function expects a single argument which it expects to be a ``user`` instance, from which it will extract the ``username`` for the message body, and the ``to`` address. To send our email, we just call the ``send_welcome_email`` function with a user instance. .. code-block:: python >>> from app.emails import send_welcome_email >>> user = User.objects.get(...) >>> send_welcome_email(user) # Sends the welcome email. .. note:: The :class:`~email.BasicEmail` class is essentially a wrapper around the ```` class with both properties and method hooks for configuring, instantiating, and sending emails using that class. HTML Emails ~~~~~~~~~~~ While the simple examples above may work well for simple emails, most modern web applications are not just sending plain text emails. ``emailtools`` ships with two solutions for constructing and sending emails with both a plain text message and an html message. Both the :class:`~emailtools.HTMLEmail` and :class:`~emailtools.MarkdownEmail` classes extend ````, and uses django's built in template engine to set the html message on the email. Lets rewrite the welcome email class to send an html message. .. code-block:: python from emailtools import HTMLEmail class WelcomeEmail(HTMLEmail): template_name = 'app/welcome_email.html' from_email = '' subject = 'Welcome to' def get_to(self): return [self.args[0].email] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): kwargs = super(WelcomeEmail, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) kwargs['user'] = self.args[0] return kwargs send_welcome_email = WelcomeEmail.as_callable() And now our template. .. code-block:: html # app/templates/app/welcome_email.html

Welcome to

Dear {{ }}

Thank you for signing up to

The team

Now, our message will be rendered using the template engine. Call Signature ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Up until now, accessing the calling arguments for our email function has involved accessing them in ``self.args`` or ``self.kwargs``, which is both ugly and unintuitive. If you take a look at the ``__init__`` method of :class:`~emailtools.BaseEmail` you'll see that it merely sets ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` as ``self.args`` and ``self.kwargs``. This is the default behavior for all email classes, and it is entirely in the developers hands to override this in any way you please. Here is a slighltly modified version of our ``WelcomeEmail`` that demonstrates this concept. .. code-block:: python from emailtools import HTMLEmail class WelcomeEmail(HTMLEmail): template_name = 'app/welcome_email.html' from_email = '' subject = 'Welcome to' def __init__(self, user): self.user = user = [] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): kwargs = super(WelcomeEmail, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) kwargs['user'] = self.user return kwargs send_welcome_email = WelcomeEmail.as_callable() We gain readability, and validation that the caller complied with the call signature of our email class. In this example, we didn't call super on ``__init__``, which is fine. The ``__init__`` method is yours to overide and modify in whatever way suites the needs of your application. About ``as_callable(**kwargs)`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At this point, if you've used class based views, you should be noticing some similarities in ``as_callable`` and ``as_view``. ``as_callable`` returns a callable function that will send the email. By default, any ``*args`` and ``kwargs`` passed into the email callable are accessible via ``self.args`` and ``self.kwargs``, similar to class based views. This however is only the default implimentation of the ``__init__`` method for class based emails. You may override the ``__init__`` method however you would like. From our example above, the following two ways of sending emails are effectively the same. .. code-block:: python >>> from my_app.emails import WelcomeEmail >>> send_welcome_email = WelcomeEmail.as_callable() >>> send_welcome_email(user) # Sends the email. >>> email_instance = WelcomeEmail(user) >>> email_instance.send() Directly calling the email callable, and calling ``send()`` on the instantiated email class are identical.