Source code for emailtools.cbe.base

from functools import update_wrapper

from django.utils.decorators import classonlymethod
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

[docs]class BaseEmail(object): """ Simple base class for all class-based emails. Implements the basic structure for constructing an email message and sending it, along with the `as_callable` method logic. """ @property def email_message_class(self): raise ImproperlyConfigured('No `email_message_class` provided') @email_message_class.setter # NOQA def email_message_class(self, value): self.__dict__['email_message_class'] = value return value
[docs] def get_email_message_kwargs(self, **kwargs): return kwargs
[docs] def get_email_message_class(self): return self.email_message_class
[docs] def get_email_message(self): return self.get_email_message_class()(**self.get_email_message_kwargs())
[docs] def get_send_kwargs(self, **kwargs): return kwargs
[docs] def send(self): self.get_email_message().send(**self.get_send_kwargs())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs @classonlymethod
[docs] def as_callable(cls, **initkwargs): for key in initkwargs: if not hasattr(cls, key): raise TypeError("{0}() received an invalid keyword {1!r}. " "as_callable only accepts arguments that are " "already attributes of the " "class.".format(cls.__name__, key)) EmailClass = type("Callable{0}".format(cls.__name__), (cls,), initkwargs) def callable(*args, **kwargs): self = EmailClass(*args, **kwargs) return self.send() update_wrapper(callable, EmailClass, updated=()) return callable